Monday 29 December 2014

Christian Contrast (The Dissimilarity Between Brother Nathanael and Pastor Paul Begley)

In this day and age, faith is something that is spoken about far beyond the house of worship, and it is discussed worldwide over the internet. Whether it be forums, social networks, videos or blogs, they are very accessible and millions of people, if not billions, show interest in them. This has resulted in many YouTube channels formed around the world, where people have the ability to share and teach their beliefs.

Two Christian men, Pastor Paul Begley and Brother Nathanael Kapner (Yes a Christian named Kapner) have been at it for a while. The two have each drawn up a pretty large fan base and each have over 50,000 subscribers and receive thousands of views daily. Both are devout Christians (that we know of), and focus on currents events, politics and conspiracy theories. The two often relate currents events/armed conflicts to bible prophecies. After that, the similarities between the two come to a halt and it is all contrast.

First off, Brother Nathanael is new to Christianity and is a Russian Orthodox, Paul Begley has spent a little more time in the Christian faith and is a non-denominational Christian Pastor in Indiana. Where their Christian denominations differ, so do their views on the State of Israel. Paul Begley is an avid supporter of Israel, Kapner, however is not. He is as anti-Zionist as one can be and the irony behind that is that he was born a Jew and according to Jewish law, still is one. Kapner is what you call a self-loathing Jew. He goes out of his way to attack Israel and Jews in general. Not only is Kapner anti-Zionist but he is also an anti-Semite. He refers to Jews as "money-grubbers"and criticizes Jews as whole rather then individuals. When discussing the Israel-Palestine conflict, he only talks about what Israel has done that can be regarded by some as violent and out of proportion, but always omits what Hamas has done and how it could have provoked the Israeli side.  In opposition to Kapner, Paul Begley adores the State of Israel and the Jews, however he's not a blind supporter and has criticized Jewish individuals when needed. Begley is a man of love and peace, whereas Kapner is a man of hate. In fact, his organization is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, along with the Ku Klux Klan and many other hate groups. His hate for America's good friend Israel probably got him there.

 Their views on Israel is what drew my attention to them, mostly because I find it an interesting topic, partly due to the great number of videos the two have on the State. It has become one of their biggest topics. I found it especially interesting to see a non-Jewish man who holds a more favorable view of Israel then most Jews do. Not only does he support Israel because it's written in his religion, but he also supports because he has a tremendous knowledge on past and current events that he has no choice but to support the only democracy in the middle east. Another variation between the two Christians is that Begley is very Pro-America and Kapner is more Anti American then "Jihadi John". Kapner is more of "Putin Supporter" and is yet to ever criticize the Russian leader. You can see that Kapner doesn't concern himself with the people around him and really doesn't want to better anyone. All he's been doing is spreading hate and false propaganda about the Jews and America.

It is unclear whether the two know each other, but I'd be shocked if they didn't. I have yet to see a video where one makes a reference to the other, but with the growing number of subscribers to both channels, it should't be long before a confrontation happens. There's nothing subscribers of either Christian would rather see than a debate between the two. In fact, Kapner has already attacked Begley in his recent video, where he denounced Christian Zionists.

Are you serious?

Article By Sasha Michael, December 30th 2014

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